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Tempestry Project at Columbia’s Earth Observatory Open House

We wanted to share some of our favorite photos of the Tempestry tent at Columbia University’s annual LDEO / Climate School Open House, from set up to before-the-crowds to our favorite part: talking about climate communication, tactile hands-on learning, and fiber art with a whole bunch of folks ranging from scientists to high school kids to itty bitty kiddos who really just liked the beads and yarn colors. 

This has been an annual event at Columbia’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory campus for decades, and we were so delighted to be a part of this year’s earth sciences celebration.

Just to put some numbers on it: Columbia estimates that about 1,500 people attended this year. We went through about $500 of yarn, $275 of data print-outs & project sheets, $100 of velcro, $150 for other supplies. (Those kids really liked our yarn, check out that adorable second photo!)

Some highlights from this year’s event.